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Monday, January 31, 2011

Montezuma welcomes two new students

    Dallas Peavey

Sierra Peavey

by Andrea Farrington
At the beginning of the second semester, two new students, Dallas and Sierra Peavey, enrolled at Montezuma. They transferred from Lynnville-Sully because their parents thought it would be better for them. They live in Searsboro so they did not have to switch houses, just schools.
Dallas is a sophomore and says he likes Montezuma because the teachers are better. He is interested in playing basketball and football. “My goal at Montezuma is to get good grades,” Dallas said.
Sierra is a seventh grader and is interested in playing basketball and volleyball.
 Sierra said, “I like Montezuma because the people are nice.” Her goal is to get good grades and make more friends.

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