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Monday, March 26, 2012

Students compete in Battle of the Books

by Bridgette Moore
On March 20 and 21, 12 Montezuma students traveled to the AEA Conference Center in Cedar Falls, Iowa, to compete in the Battle of the Books.
In order to compete in the battle, the team works together to read as many books as possible from a pre-selected list of books. Each student could be asked to read five or so books. 
After the program is over, the teams from  different schools gather to “battle” by answering fact-based questions about the books. 
The books included fantasy, realism, mystery, non-fiction, fiction, animal fiction, humor, science fiction and historical fiction. 
A few examples of books Junior High students were required to read are “Witness” by Karen Hesse, “The Truth about Truman School” by Dori Hillestad Butler and “Mockingjay” by Suzanne Collins. 
The books read by elementary students included “The Sherlock Files: The 100 Year War” by Tracy Barett, “Matilda” by Roald Dahl, “Singing Hands” by Delia Ray and “Turtle In Paradise” by Jennifer L. Holm.
The elementary team consists of six students:   Carissa Vanzee and Medelyn Dejong from fourth grade, Olivia Mortez and Tyler Cuppus from fifth grade and Vance Bushong and Casey Pfiffer from sixth grade. They competed on March 20.
The middle school team consists of six students in seventh grade: Tyler Meyer, Kennedy Phillips, Zach Townsend, Carmen Stover, Grant Johnson and Allison Wheeler. They competed on March 21.
“I am looking forward to the competition and being able to interact with other students with the same interest as me,” said seventh grader Kennedy Phillips.

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