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Monday, December 20, 2010

The best gift is peace

by Jered Engelking
In 1914 British soldiers met German soldiers on a battlefield of trenches. Millions of lives were lost in the first year of the war. 
However, Christmas giving really shined through when German troops offered a truce to the Allied Army that no shots would be fired on Christmas Eve and Day. 
They even celebrated together, singing carols, trading goods, and playing a casual game of soccer. Most truces lasted for three days while in some parts it lasted for two weeks.
These men show that no matter what you have to compromise and set all differences aside, then you will see that the so called enemy is not that much different from you. You will also see that you can get along and celebrate with them.
 In the present, we could really learn something from these great men. Just as both sides gathered around the Christmas tree to sing Silent Night in different languages for one night, we should accept other people, not just for Christmas, but also for all of time. 

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