Top left: The Seniors and Juniors prepare to battle it out in the Powder Puff game on Tuesday.
Lower left: Garrett Ogan crowns Nathan Wheeler as homecoming king, far left, as the home-coming court watches. Beside Wheeler, l to r, Aly James, Steven Vavroch, Brynna Steele, Shane Lyons, Kaylin Hansen, Austin Battreall, Natalie Wheeler, Matthew Armstrong and Alexis Ferguson.
Right: Alex Brenner and Vanessa Minner pose in their decades attire.
by Vincent Bushong
It’s the time of year again for Montezuma’s students to show their school spirit. This year’s Homecoming week started with Opposite Parent Day on Monday, where boys dress up as their moms and girls as their dads.
That night, the junior varsity football boys defeated West Marshall 16-14. The varsity volleyball girls were unable to claim victory for their homecoming game against BGM. At North Mahaska, both the 7th and 8th grade volleyball teams celebrated victories over the Warhawks.
The school’s spirit was split six ways on Tuesday, with each class wearing their class color. However, the juniors and the seniors wore their shirts for one of the main events for that night: Powder Puff. The senior Powder Puff team reigned victorious over the juniors with a final score of 16-14.
At the Lip Sync later that night, the teachers won in the adult division with the song “Don’t Stop Believing,” and the homecoming court won with a medley of songs from the movie “Grease” in the student section.
Our seventh grade Braves dominated Keota players on their field with a score of 40-0. Even with a valiant effort, the eighth grade Braves were defeated with a score of 70-0.
Different styles were brought back from the past as students dressed up for their favorite decades on Wednesday.
Even though there were float difficulties that evening, the homecoming parade was a big hit and a great display of spirit.
Afterwords, the girls’ basketball team served a supper of hot beef sundaes and hot dogs as well as an assortment of treats to the community.
After the supper, the community attendees went down to Braves Night to be introduced to the homecoming court; Brynna Steele, Alexis Ferguson, Kaylin Hansen, Aly James and Natalie Wheeler were escorted by Matt Armstrong, Austin Battreal, Shane Lyons, Stephen Vavroch and Nathan Wheeler. Teacher Allison Pargeon, Montezuma graduate Lee Schroder and former teacher Al Rabenold fired up the crowd with motivational speeches.
2010 royalty Garrett Ogan and Katurah McKee crowned Nathan Wheeler and Alexis Ferguson as the new king and queen. Then, Darrell Brand finished the night’s speeches with his legendary breakdown. The night concluded with a performance from the band.
Thursday brought back many of the students’ memories in the form of their favorite children’s cartoon character.
Friday was an excellent show of tradition and spirit as Monte’s halls bursted with students dressed in blue and white.
In addition to the usual events of the pep rally, students got to see an encore of the teachers’ outstanding lip sync performance. Other entertainment included a performance from the Montezuma Pep Band including the songs “Takin’ Care of Business” and “Eye of the Tiger.”
It’s going to be a great year for all of our Braves and Bravettes. As the movie “Friday Night Lights” says and volleyball coach Jim Woods quoted on Braves Night, “Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose.”